We offer confidential document shredding at our 36th St. location. Due to the fact that our shredder may not be running, document shredding is by appointment only. Walk-in appointments are available on Thursdays between 10 am – 4 pm. Document shredding services are charged at 50 cents per pound. If requested, one of our associates will shred your documents while you watch. Call
715-451-8888 to schedule an appointment today!
We provide services to the following industries:
To add extra security, we provide locked containers so you can safely store your documents. Find extra security with our commercial pickup services for confidential shredding.
All containers remain locked at and after they leave your facility. Containers remain locked until the documents are shredded at our facility.
We’re here to help! Simply call (715) 451-8888 to discuss your requirements.
Wisconsin Rapids
480 Strodman Ave.
Grand Rapids
2330 36th St. N
Winter hours
Summer Hours:
M-F 10-4pm
Sat - 9-1pm
Starting April 5th
Stevens Point
2608 Water St.
Email: email@expressrecycling.biz